There was a period during these past months, where it all became kinda a bit too much to me. And i wrote about it on this blog. And i kinda hesitated to put it on, because sometimes i think writing can be a little tright. It seems like everybody who ends a relationship writes about how hard a time their having. And i think its a bit hard for people to symphatise with that, because its like "Oh, he's single...poor smuck". But the truth is, its a weird thing, you know, all the sudden the whole world's different. People look at you differently. People treat you differently. You know, if you woke up on mars, you'd have trouble with the gravity too. For a little while. You adjust...and i adjusted, but there was a period where i really had a hard time. And one of the things that happens is that you have all these big things that happen to you in your life, when this sort of thing that happen to me, happens. And you begin to pile up big experiences. But i think that sometimes you don't get too keep any of the little ones, that are really important. Like remembering all the little things that make up an i loved to watch her sleep. Its the breating, the breathing in and out and in and out again. And i realized that i wasn't getting to keep any of the little memories like that; and that it maybe made me angry, but it's also very sad because its about all the small things in your life that you loose track of...
sjoe...die het ek alweer geskryf laas naweek saterdag 2 uur die oggend...dis darem moer funny hoe erg mens dronk verdriet kan kry voor 'n pc....met anderwoorde, ek het nie gescore die week/aand nie, maar aan die plus kant was ek ook nie gebliksem by die club soos meeste ander mense nie.
ja, so ek is alweer tuis...vir nog 'n lang naweek...maar ek ry more machadodorp toe vir 'n visvang sessie saam met my pa se werk.
wat nog? wel ek het griep...voel maar af? ek het gesien hoe die bulls die sharks wen op loftus? uhmm? ek kan nou bubbles agteruit skaats en soos 'n balleriena spin in die ronte? en ek het besluit ek bly by die figure skating ding, want die meisies daar is mooier. sjoe? sal sekker more by die werk 'n draai maak? you've gotta dip you've gotta doodle? Ek het my patologie punte terug gekry...dit was scary...want in plaas daarvan om vir die toets te swot het ek mos terry pratchett se reaperman gelees...die patologie handboek het ek darem 1 keer deurgelees. Nou hier kom die fun deel: "Vraag 1 van 30 punte het gegaan oor angiogenese en inflammasie en sulke toestande...ek het nie 'n enkele sin daaroor gelees tydens my poging vir patologie nie....toevallig is dit die enigste vraag waarvoor ek volpunte gekry het? vreemd ne?"
ok, lekke slaap iemand nog my blog lees...los 'n comment onder in die hoekie sodat ek weet ek skryf nie verniet nie.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
You can't change what you've done
Hold up
Hold on
Don't be scared
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile
Shine on
Don't be scared
Your destiny may keep you warm
Cos all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
We're all of us stars
We're fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see us some day
Just take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out
Hold on
Don't be scared
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile
Shine on
Don't be scared
Your destiny may keep you warm
Cos all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
We're all of us stars
We're fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see us some day
Just take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out
Friday, April 14, 2006
Ode to brielie
buddy, buddy dawson...
buddy brielie dawson
jy't 'n creek
in die middle van jou bud cheeks
as jy en niel voor die pc's gluur
ontwikkel silent en violent gasse hier.
Waarom moan jy oor my tydsbedryf infrastruktuur
Die ratio van meisies tot ouens in ons klas is honderd tot vier
Die sex is goed en vrywilligheid mag jou verras,
want ek find wallietjies straat onvanpas.
So maak nou vinnig en swot nou klaar,
etv porn kort nuwe episodes daar.
Mamma Jack gat nie 'n oscar kry,
en ek vrees,
tjotsie se tottie (director briel) spring daai een ok vry.
deur Saintwillem
die komment volg nadat ek jaco se tick tick tick gekry het en toe ek op bullit se blog gat kyk het die boere mafia terug oor die groot visrivier ontrek en hardloop sekker nog steeds terug kaap toe...ja, sy blog is gedelete...en nou is daar sekker vrede tussen die Common/Commen wealth en Oranje volkstaat... nee, Moeder Russia moet nou eers afchop...
...ja, ek het daai komment op niel se blog gelees van my swottings...
ma, ek is nog steeds lief vir jul albei
dis hoekom ek afsluit
"drink vodca you bloody cronies"
with love from mother russia
buddy brielie dawson
jy't 'n creek
in die middle van jou bud cheeks
as jy en niel voor die pc's gluur
ontwikkel silent en violent gasse hier.
Waarom moan jy oor my tydsbedryf infrastruktuur
Die ratio van meisies tot ouens in ons klas is honderd tot vier
Die sex is goed en vrywilligheid mag jou verras,
want ek find wallietjies straat onvanpas.
So maak nou vinnig en swot nou klaar,
etv porn kort nuwe episodes daar.
Mamma Jack gat nie 'n oscar kry,
en ek vrees,
tjotsie se tottie (director briel) spring daai een ok vry.
deur Saintwillem
die komment volg nadat ek jaco se tick tick tick gekry het en toe ek op bullit se blog gat kyk het die boere mafia terug oor die groot visrivier ontrek en hardloop sekker nog steeds terug kaap toe...ja, sy blog is gedelete...en nou is daar sekker vrede tussen die Common/Commen wealth en Oranje volkstaat... nee, Moeder Russia moet nou eers afchop...
...ja, ek het daai komment op niel se blog gelees van my swottings...
ma, ek is nog steeds lief vir jul albei
dis hoekom ek afsluit
"drink vodca you bloody cronies"
with love from mother russia
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Blogger world war 3 - armagedon
ja, dis hier...twee buurstate in europa is alweer aan mekaar se keelgate vas. Basies is die storie al op DVD vrygelaat, nl. achilles. In kort, twee ouens kom heel alright met mekaar oor die weg, al is kos skaars, die waspoeier klaar en die leef area kleiner as 'n SPCA kennel. Sexual tension ontwikkel as 'n blonde bom van pietersburg per ongeluk die leef area in strompel...Bullit, wat oorspronklik van die geweste af kom, ontwikkel 'n akute toestand genaamd kaakie-fever, dinge begin water uit plekke wat dit nooit gedoen het nie; onderbroeke pas ook nie meer so lekker soos altyd nie; en om een of ander rede is die toilet seat deesdae nie meer "op" soos dit hoort te wees nie...
dinge maak nie meer sin nie...en hy begin slaapelose nagte ontwikkel a.g.v. die bogenoemde redes en ook omdat hy nie gewoond is om op sy rug te slaap nie, wat deesdae die enigste toelaatbare posisie, fisiologies is, waarin hy kan slaap...ten minste het die dovey meer breathing space.
en soos 'n regte volkstaat komando lid, konfronteer hy nie die ANC direk nie, nee, hy bliksem vir kortbroek van skalkwyk.
En dis waar Bliar in kom, bliar...'n uitmuntende politikus...verstaan nie die situasie wat komrade en sy bloed sussie ontwikkel het nie...en hy val Oranje aan met 'n klomp B52 Bombers...die opdrag: "take it down boys, i don't wanna see a cockroach crawling in whatever you have to...let those orange jankies have the taste of our cold steal..see if they like it"
Dit was 'n fout, jy kan bly wees bullit het die blog nou eers gelees...want hy kon gerebeleer het, en dan was bullit nie net jou beste buddy nie...nee, dan was hy sommer ook jou swaar, swaar. En dis waar...die bewyse...jou susie het vir my 'n comment gestuur dat: "daar 'n lang ry is", toe ek haar gevra het om met my te trou...en omdat jou sussie maar preuts is, nes jy, skat ek daar is net een ou...en sy het dalk lank met breed dan kan dit net bullit wees.
gelukkig het daar niks van gekom nie...want as daar enige iemand in die vriende kring is wat enige iemand se sussies gaan beet kry, is dit ek...vra maar vir ed, marnus en casper...)
en dus join ek nou so die oorlog...nie spesifiek aan enige iemand se kant nie...maar net omdat ek kan...en omdat dit soos 'n goeie blog topic klink wat ons vir so 'n week kan hol ry...(daai een is gemik op niel en micheal jacson). Maar sien altyd die blink kant bo (daai een vir jaco gemik, fisies)...dis als net vet pret (sommer op albei).
terloops, klaarblyklik was ek gisteraand dronk gewees en sekker verdriet jammer oor die vorige blog...sulke dinge kom maar uit.
"with love, from MOTHER RUSSIA"
dinge maak nie meer sin nie...en hy begin slaapelose nagte ontwikkel a.g.v. die bogenoemde redes en ook omdat hy nie gewoond is om op sy rug te slaap nie, wat deesdae die enigste toelaatbare posisie, fisiologies is, waarin hy kan slaap...ten minste het die dovey meer breathing space.
en soos 'n regte volkstaat komando lid, konfronteer hy nie die ANC direk nie, nee, hy bliksem vir kortbroek van skalkwyk.
En dis waar Bliar in kom, bliar...'n uitmuntende politikus...verstaan nie die situasie wat komrade en sy bloed sussie ontwikkel het nie...en hy val Oranje aan met 'n klomp B52 Bombers...die opdrag: "take it down boys, i don't wanna see a cockroach crawling in whatever you have to...let those orange jankies have the taste of our cold steal..see if they like it"
Dit was 'n fout, jy kan bly wees bullit het die blog nou eers gelees...want hy kon gerebeleer het, en dan was bullit nie net jou beste buddy nie...nee, dan was hy sommer ook jou swaar, swaar. En dis waar...die bewyse...jou susie het vir my 'n comment gestuur dat: "daar 'n lang ry is", toe ek haar gevra het om met my te trou...en omdat jou sussie maar preuts is, nes jy, skat ek daar is net een ou...en sy het dalk lank met breed dan kan dit net bullit wees.
gelukkig het daar niks van gekom nie...want as daar enige iemand in die vriende kring is wat enige iemand se sussies gaan beet kry, is dit ek...vra maar vir ed, marnus en casper...)
en dus join ek nou so die oorlog...nie spesifiek aan enige iemand se kant nie...maar net omdat ek kan...en omdat dit soos 'n goeie blog topic klink wat ons vir so 'n week kan hol ry...(daai een is gemik op niel en micheal jacson). Maar sien altyd die blink kant bo (daai een vir jaco gemik, fisies)...dis als net vet pret (sommer op albei).
terloops, klaarblyklik was ek gisteraand dronk gewees en sekker verdriet jammer oor die vorige blog...sulke dinge kom maar uit.
"with love, from MOTHER RUSSIA"
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Meet Sir Samuel Vimes
Sir samuel Vimes, alive and swimming after a hectic housewarming party
One afternoon I came to hear
you sing a soft song into my ear
who would have thought quite by chance
we might engage in the loving dance.
Coming together, staying apart
lost in diversions dancing starts
caught in the quiet off on our own
coming together, staying alone.
Are you afraid ? I'm not afraid.
What about you, what about me
two years from now where will we be
each of us gone his separate way
lost in the headlong passage of days.
Maybe we might give love a try
extending the moment before goodbye
and for a gentle moment in time
we'll take what pleasure people can find.
Are you afraid ? I'm not afraid.
What is for real, what is false
all of us seem to be caught in a waltz
turning around, turning again
when will the dancing ever end.
As for us, you and me
our eyes are open, we can see
both of us know where we've been
why must we both go dancing again.
Are you afraid ? I'm not afraid.
Come join the dance, come join the waltz
don't look to closely at my faults
why can't I die here in your arms
safe from the night and away from the dawn.
Back to the nothing from where I came
back to the no where that has no name
don't worry of me, I know who I am
where I'm going and where I've been.
I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid.I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid.I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid.
Bad hair day/ marilyn manson dress up...both very unsuccesfull
Noot vir Noot wenners: 1. Neale. 2. Meryl 3.,buzz, buzz.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
There are bigger bastards out there...but i try harder.
I haven't done this in a while and I ought to more often.
This is dedicated to a dear friend of mine, following comments delivered last night.
After scrutinizing relationships the last few months , I've got a few core notes I would like to share:
When I started meeting new people, especially those in relationships, they seemed immensely in love. And for most of the part I wished that I could build relationships like them. In essence, when we're having a party, their love seemed fairytalelike. None of the sorts that I used to have. (okay, that's a lie...mine started out the in love, little gifts...butterflies just seeing her...little notes on your windscreen when you come from class...and phone calls that last forever). And as you start to truly get to know them better, you realize...their relationship's have the same troubles that mine had. You feel unacknowledged, disheartened most of the time; and sitting next to her you just don't know what to say any longer.
And this is when it all goes wrong. You start thinking: "Could I do better?" and a simple and honest answer would be "definitely". We can all do better, always, but that's not what it's about. Honestly, the couples can say this and that about each other, but they always end up saying that he/she isn't a bad guy/girl, or even great. Then, why can’t we love the person for who he/she is? The answer: As humans we always strive to do better, to achieve more, in other words "dream". Without it, we’ll all end up in doing either nothing or commit suicide, being no point to live at all. Then, what’s the point of a relationship? I think a relationship should be about you loving and cherishing someone else and vice versa (The process, and this could be anyone). And it’s hard to love someone all the time, and it's not perfect, but in the end it should be all that matters. You can have dreams, just be careful where you steer them at. Try to wake up in the morning and tell yourself that this is going to be the best day of my life. Accept the fact that some days its going to be hard and it’s not going to be a fairy tale. Sometimes you're going to feel stuck in one place for what seems forever. You’re probably going to wish you’d found someone else, believe me once you're there, be sure you’re not wishing you were back with her/him. It's the worst. And think about the future…with you staring back at your past, not regretting that you lost out somewhere or came up short with someone else.
This phenomenon also applies to friends and the company you keep. Believe me, meeting new friends is fun and adds a little perspective to your live, but don’t discard the friends you already have…they are just as good, and might not always be that exciting…because thats only because you’ve known them for so long. In other words, you might not get butterflies when you see them, but they are the folk you classify as the people you’d love to sit in an old age home with, exchanging false teeth and counting on moral support when the Alzheimer’s sets in, again.
People are so unkind.
The world begins to disappear, the worst things come from inside here.
We’ll never be together again, never ever ever again.
What you fear in the night, comes to call in the day anyhow.
I wish December would end.
never ever ever again
This is dedicated to a dear friend of mine, following comments delivered last night.
After scrutinizing relationships the last few months , I've got a few core notes I would like to share:
When I started meeting new people, especially those in relationships, they seemed immensely in love. And for most of the part I wished that I could build relationships like them. In essence, when we're having a party, their love seemed fairytalelike. None of the sorts that I used to have. (okay, that's a lie...mine started out the in love, little gifts...butterflies just seeing her...little notes on your windscreen when you come from class...and phone calls that last forever). And as you start to truly get to know them better, you realize...their relationship's have the same troubles that mine had. You feel unacknowledged, disheartened most of the time; and sitting next to her you just don't know what to say any longer.
And this is when it all goes wrong. You start thinking: "Could I do better?" and a simple and honest answer would be "definitely". We can all do better, always, but that's not what it's about. Honestly, the couples can say this and that about each other, but they always end up saying that he/she isn't a bad guy/girl, or even great. Then, why can’t we love the person for who he/she is? The answer: As humans we always strive to do better, to achieve more, in other words "dream". Without it, we’ll all end up in doing either nothing or commit suicide, being no point to live at all. Then, what’s the point of a relationship? I think a relationship should be about you loving and cherishing someone else and vice versa (The process, and this could be anyone). And it’s hard to love someone all the time, and it's not perfect, but in the end it should be all that matters. You can have dreams, just be careful where you steer them at. Try to wake up in the morning and tell yourself that this is going to be the best day of my life. Accept the fact that some days its going to be hard and it’s not going to be a fairy tale. Sometimes you're going to feel stuck in one place for what seems forever. You’re probably going to wish you’d found someone else, believe me once you're there, be sure you’re not wishing you were back with her/him. It's the worst. And think about the future…with you staring back at your past, not regretting that you lost out somewhere or came up short with someone else.
This phenomenon also applies to friends and the company you keep. Believe me, meeting new friends is fun and adds a little perspective to your live, but don’t discard the friends you already have…they are just as good, and might not always be that exciting…because thats only because you’ve known them for so long. In other words, you might not get butterflies when you see them, but they are the folk you classify as the people you’d love to sit in an old age home with, exchanging false teeth and counting on moral support when the Alzheimer’s sets in, again.
People are so unkind.
The world begins to disappear, the worst things come from inside here.
We’ll never be together again, never ever ever again.
What you fear in the night, comes to call in the day anyhow.
I wish December would end.
never ever ever again
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Reg, ek het regtig vanaand met die pc gesukkel, die foto's wou nie laai nie en my email wou nie stuur nie en ek en brielie gesels en skinder en my ouers kom loer in; so hier is dit nou kort en kragtig. Dit was Saterdag, dit was lekker, dit was 80's, dit was alcohol, dit was goeie vriende, en dit sal ek altyd onthou.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
My first non-family practice patient
Step 2: Acid etch
Step 3: Rinse
Step 4: Prime, bond & light cure
Step 5: Place restrorative material
Note: Patient was reffered by veterinarian, this is a temporary restoration (placed to aid in healing) and no harm was done to the patient.
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